Before the Session
Two Days Prior
During the two days prior to a colon cleanse, avoid eating red meat and limit raw vegetables. The client should drink plenty of fluids — juices, teas, and, most importantly, water.
Avoid sodas and coffee, as these items are harmful to the colon and could cause cramping.
Avoid salts and processed foods.
Eat a small meal two to four hours before a colonic.
During the two hours before the procedure, do not eat. Don’t eat two hours before the session. Limit drinking to avoid a full bladder during the session.
Refrain from smoking and wearing perfume prior to the session.
Please do not bring anyone, as the seating is limited and is for clients receiving Present Waters’ services only.
There are no children allowed in the center. No exceptions will be made.

During a Session
Colon hydrotherapy is a safe, comfortable, and even interesting experience.
The colon therapist is in the room with the client the entire time of the colonic session. The therapist controls the water flow and water pressure during the session. The inflow of a small amounts of water and the release of waste is repeated several times during a session.
During the session, the client will be disrobing from the waist down, they must wear something comfortable from the waist up. The client will be provided with a disposable gown to maintain modesty. They must wear or bring a pair of socks to wear during the session.
During the session, the client is in the process of taking very good care of themselves, so they must remember to allow for the time and space they need to be in a calm state of mind. The body responds best to treatment when it is relaxed. Deep breathing, soothing music, and a positive, supportive environment all help facilitate a relaxed and peaceful state during a session.
The client does nothing but relax, release, and renew.
After the Colonic Session
Present Waters recommends probiotics after the session. During a colonic, some of the good bacteria, along with the bad, may be eliminated from the colon. The probiotics will re‑inoculate the system with the good bacteria needed.
Present Water asks that clients eat very light and easy‑to‑digest foods for the remainder of the day. Avoid overly rich and heavy foods and raw vegetables for three days after the session. Please continue to drink plenty of fluids to continue the release of toxins from the body.
It is fine to carry on with normal daily plans or to return to work, as clients will feel fine. Most people feel energetic, light, and in a very positive mood after a cleansing. Present Waters does recommend that clients take the day off from exercise after a session.